Friday, October 24, 2008

Kudus Writing - Reflective Peace

I’m sitting in my digs bed, staring at a photo of my late father. A quite man, yet so many words in his literary writings. He was an author, and I suppose that’s where my passion for writing arose from. Next to him is a painting, drawn in second grade, which I believe further contributed to my expanding my writing ability. I am loud and outspoken; however, personal problems and feelings were always expressed in my art. I am creative, though it is a side of me rarely seen by others.

Arriving at the big school doors, high school, I lost the time I always had, time to sit and pour my problems out on a blank piece of scribbling paper. It is then that I began journal writing. Throughout primary and high school, I always enjoyed what is known as ‘creative writing’ under the English Language. Though given the simplest of topics, ("My Holiday" and "A day in the Park") I’d found a way to play around with them and make them unique and my own. Through these pieces of work, I noticed some form of growth as an amateur writer. Much like my kudu painting, where it is feeding off dry, hard grass, there were greener pastures ahead of it. I hoped to develop my writing and make it a profession. I further developed my writing ability through the complex works of the English Language, novels and poetry. Shakespearian writing improved my own. I improved through using similar techniques, improving my spattering of words and phrases and it is then that my work showed structure and planning. There then became a reason for the choice of words, phrases and clauses I used. Much like my works of art, there had a reason for using different shades of paint in other parts and a reason why I had threaded my knittings in different colours.

And now I study Journalism which has reinforced my interest in writing and painting. An interest from a very tender age. It is amazing how the human body, the brain, can sometimes not outgrow some experiences…in my case, experiences of writing and creativeness. This is the last semester of my first year and studying blogs in this last term was an encouragement for me to pursue being a writer. What a technical part of the coarse this has been. I never knew Journalism included such vast methods. Coming to varsity, I only had one side of the coarse, and that was writing and chasing after stories. But the profile writings and letters to oneself made me realize that it is part of the coarse to look for the inevitable. I am amazed at how neutral and broad the coarse is. Then came the producing of comics, which I found pleasurable and amusing. Writing is not the only form of telling and informing, like my art, stories can be illustrated through art, comics. And lastly, commenting one someone else’s blog, this for me built me and the remarks I got fixed areas in which my writing lacked.

I’m grateful the coarse and it’s technical side. Though boring at times, I thoroughly took pleasure in the work. Huge thumbs up to you Sim and Allette for the superb work.


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