Friday, September 26, 2008

A Letter to My Younger Self

Dear School Hater

It’s the final stretch before university begins! I’m sure you are super-excited. I know how much you think going to class in high school sucks. Waking up at 6.30, ironing your school uniform and shoveling down the breakfast Mom cooked for you. You can’t wait for the day when you can go to class just when you feel like it, if at all. Life would just be so much more bearable, hey?

REALITY CHECK! You’re at university, no one has washed your clothes, and you overslept and missed breakfast. You are exhausted from only four hours of sleep because you were up late finishing an essay. You have the earliest lecture so you think you’ll just skip it… but the lecturer is going to be discussing the term assignment - you have to go! If I’ve learned one thing, it is to forget whatever you’ve seen in the movies. You know, when the girl flounces into class with perfect hair and a fresh face. Ask any student: bloodshot eyes and bedhead is the look most commonly sported at lectures!

I don’t mean to make it sound all bad. There have been too many funny and random incidents in lectures for me even to recall, from crazy lecturers to guys coming to class in dresses and having a dogfight go on right behind our chairs! If you can see the funny side of things, you’ll get through. But ultimately, and I hate to say it, lectures are there for you to learn from, not for you to try out your new look or to have your ears tickled.

Don’t be one of the deluded ones who fall behind just because they view lectures as “optional”. Be on time and make the effort. You will be at a serious disadvantage if you don’t. There’s no other way to say it: go to class!

Peace and love


nonkie said...

well I wouldn't know whether what pinky said about Residence life as bad as it sounds but believe me, being an oppidan student especially in your first year is not childs play, having to cook, clean, by grocecies and the list goes on...

I would say being at varsity will either be your best or worst life experience ever..but it's when you accept the situation and try to make the best of it, that you'll trully be able to make sence of all the madness of student life surrounding you
I'm out...nonlie

Refilwe M. said...

Hi Pinky,

It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one struggling with getting to lectures on time. It’s a new habit I’ve had to cultivate. The true struggle for me in this regard is not so much if lectures are “optional”; it’s more of a question of how much of the lecture is important? If you’re ever in doubt about how much you’ll really fall behind if you don’t attend lectures, learn from my experience; I miss 15 minutes of many lectures and I have seen myself fall behind. So, in your word: go to class, and I urge you to arrive on time.

Keep thinking about the funny and random moments in lectures, they’re the times we’ll look back on when we graduate and we’ll know for sure that it was all worth it, even the compulsory evening lectures!

Wishing you happiness and astuteness,
Fee M.